Friday, April 30, 2010

Extract (2009)

Ben Affleck; Jason Bateman; Mila Kunis

"When you lose your balls, it kinda mellows you out"
"She's a tramp?" "No, TEMP"
"He doesn't seem that bright." "What can you expect, he's a whore."

Funny, cute, music ok

3 Testicles of 5

The Time-Traveller's Wife (2009)

Michelle Nolden; Alex Ferris; Arliss Howard; Rachel McAdams

"That's the business of time, Alec, it goes" (from Bette Davis movie)
"He was always here, even when he wasn't. He was, wasn't he?"

Cute, some touching parts, reminds of Ladyhawke

2 1/2 Times of 5

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (2009)

Michael Douglas; Orlando Jones; Amber Tamblyn

"Does the weather ever change on your planet?"

Slow start; Amber is Anne Hathaway-alike, charming;
Some twists, but overall not that great

2 Reasons out of 5

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Defendor (2009)

Woody Harrelson; Elias Koteas; Sandra Oh; Kat Dennings; Lisa Ray

"What's this teach us, Jack? Next time bring a gun."
"Oh, no, not the lime juice"
"I didn't know you had a father"
"When I get hurt, I go to a nice place until I feel better"
"What kind of superhero gets beat up all the time?"
"Where do I get one of those shock machines"

Action scenes are funny; Weapons include marbles, slingshot, nutcracker, wasps and lime juice
Silly fun

3 of 5 lost marbles

Pirate Radio or The Boat that Rocked (2009)

Philip Seymour Hoffman; Michael Hadley; Charlie Rowe; Lucy Fleming

Yesterday I saw a squirrel doing the back stroke. I said, "Mr. Squirrel why are you swimming on your back?" And he said, "To protect my nuts"
"I've got a small knob, actually. But I rather like it. It means I can wear smaller underwear.
"These are the best days of out lives. Its a terrible thing to know but I know it"
"I have some good news and some bad news. Give us the good news, good news
The good news is the engine exploded and we're all going to die"

Excellent musical score; witty dialogue; a funny movie ~ don't fear, its ok this time