Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Paul Rudd; Lake Bell; Eva Longoria; Jason Biggs

Wow, the descriptions sounded terrible but I was
pleasantly surprised. Crackling dialogue, interesting
interplay and some funny scenes add up to a good

"Would you shut up, you're dead"
"She was crushed by an Angel, sad as I am, I can
appreciate the irony"
"Do animal tranquilizers work on people"
"I can't wait to not read this"
"I never thought I was funny when I was alive"
"Five years, one kiss, that's not slow, that's family"
"It was her job to get rid of me"
"Maybe when we get to Vegas we can have dinner
and talk about not gay we are"
"If you like me now, you're gonna love me when
I'm drunk"

Rating: 3 Very large killer ice angels without wings
or a mean bone in their bodies

Monday, September 14, 2009


H. Keitel; Tim Roth; S. Buscemi; M. Madsen; C. Penn; Q. Tarantino

Early Tarantino flick, ages well, good characterizations, some twists
bloody, odd in that there is very little action, you hardly see what
happened in the heist, plenty here for Tarantino fans

"You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize"
"Why do I have to be Mr. Pink" "Because you're a faggot"

Rating: 3 Failed gutshot robbers complaining about set-up
after throwing gasoline all over the innocent victim

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Jesse Eisenberg; Ryan Reynolds; Kristen Stewart

Cute; nerdy; fun. Nerd virgins at a carnival trying
to figure out a way to have fun

"They don't like people like me where I'm from"
"Was the sex good? " "She was really sexy"
"Are you sure you don't want to go. The band is
really awful"
"I stole some of my grandma's cough medicine,
if you want. It's grape"
"Guys can't help themselves"

Rating: 3 nerds getting sick on a roller coaster and
kissing in the face of a Giant Ass Panda

Friday, September 11, 2009


Thomas Jane; Ron Perlman; Devon Aoki; John Malkovich

This one didn't really work. Began slowly, got a bit better,
never really materialized. Action scenes leave something to
be desired.

"Many men think we're gonna die, a few of us know it"
"You needed a get outta Hell free card"
"You tellin me God don't drink"
"Ash, stash or cash, nobody rides for free"
"I'm not paid to believe, I'm paid to F*** things up"

Rating: 2 Mutant zombies on the town


R. Crowe; B. Affleck; R. McAdams; R. Wright Penn; Jason Bateman

Political "thriller." As much as I like the actors....and it was a
decent movie but parts of it didn't click. Corporations are bad,
politicians corrupt. Usual fare.

Rating: 2 1/2 Prostitute corporate spies with scruples and a baby


Steve Carrell; Juliette Binoche; Dana Cook; Emily Blunt

Romantic comedy, funny at times, pretty solid throughout

"You're a good father, but sometimes you're a bad Dad"
"Fine. Or maybe not. My kids can't stand me." "Means
you're doing something right"

Rating: 3 Awkward kisses in the bathroom at the parent's house
with your brother's girlfriend

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


H. Keitel; Geo. Clooney; Q. Tarantino; Juliette Lewis

Not for everyone, but very good for those who like a bit
of vamps, massacre, action, and kick ass.

Rating: 3 1/2 Fangs


S. Stallone; M. Richardson; RL Cook; M. Caine; M. Rourke; JC McGinley"

It holds up pretty well. Fun action flick, Good characters.

"That's all we expect of man ~ this side of the grave; his good is knowing
he is bad" Rbt Browning
"You don't fix things Mack, you break them, don't you remember?"
"Things happen to us, Doreen. It doesn't mean everything that happened
to us yesterday has to happen everyday"
"I'm going to do something for you that nobody everdid for me. I'm going
to give you a second chance"

Rating: 3 Fists in the face


Chris Pine; Alan Rickman; Bill Pullman; D. Farina; E. Dushku

A surprise, funny, enjoyable movie about wine

"From hardship comes enlightenment"
"Because I'm just British and you're not"
"Please tell me it's not brown"

Rating: 3-3 1/2 Clear, fine wines


John Cusack; Bobby Coleman; Amanda Peet; Oliver Platt

Alright but tired plot; actors do well. Some funny parts.

"Looking at life from a safe distance...through books"
"I'm not the human, I'm the creature"
"Just as a point of interest, what made you think I'd be a match
for a boy who spends most of his time in a box?"
"The thing about kids, and I wouldn't trade mine for the world,
is that they keep coming at you, alright they're like mosquitoes
sucking the life out of you, they take away your life, your privacy,
your identity"
"Can't really back you if you don't really tell me"

Rating: 2 1/2 kids who think they are maritans

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Val Kilmer; 50 Cent; Sharon Stone

Good crime drama with backdrop of Hurricane Katrina
aftermath. A bit uneven in parts, Sharon Stone not so
great or was it the Director's day off? Her character was
stangely stiff at times and went out to the bars with her
therapy clients. Her part just didn't work for me.

"Better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6"
"Guys like Andy & me, that's all that stands between you
and the end of the world"
"I shot him in the head, I shot him in the head"
"You know the bad guys don't aim"
"Good shooting Tex"
"You're getting attached. I'm paid not to"

Rating: 3 streets afire (scale: 0-5)